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Unveiling the World of Dry Eyes with Dr. Selenow

Unveiling the World of Dry Eyes BlogAre your eyes feeling dry, irritated, or fatigued? Discover the expert insights and solutions provided by Dr. Selenow at Manhattan Vision Associates. This comprehensive guide will explore the diverse treatments available, from preservative-free artificial tears to advanced procedures like the Ilux. Say goodbye to dry eyes and hello to lasting comfort.

Take the proactive step towards optimal eye health — schedule your consultation at Manhattan Vision Associates today for a personalized, innovative solution.

Understanding Dry Eyes: A Common Dilemma

Dry eyes can be a persistent and uncomfortable condition affecting people of all ages. Various reasons contribute to this prevalent issue, from environmental factors to lifestyle choices. Dr. Selenow and his team at Manhattan Vision Associates specialize in effectively diagnosing and treating dry eyes.

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

  • Persistent dryness
  • Irritation and itching
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye fatigue

The Digital Age and Reduced Blinking

In the era of digital devices, children and teenagers face an alarming increase in dry eyes. The reduced frequency of blinking during prolonged screen time leads to inadequate tear distribution, exacerbating dry eye symptoms.

Understanding the impact of the digital age on eye health is crucial in addressing this growing concern. Dr. Selenow sheds light on the following aspects:

  • Insufficient Blinking: Constant engagement with digital screens, whether for school or leisure, reduces blinking. This decreased frequency fails to distribute tears evenly across the eyes, contributing to dryness and discomfort.
  • Screen-Related Eye Strain: Prolonged screen exposure can lead to eye strain, further intensifying dry eye symptoms. Dr. Selenow emphasizes managing screen time and incorporating regular breaks to alleviate strain.
  • Inadequate Lubrication: Reduced blinking hinders the natural lubrication process of the eyes. Dr. Selenow recommends strategies to enhance lubrication, including using preservative-free artificial tears and lifestyle adjustments.

As a parent, you must be vigilant about the signs of dry eyes in your child. If your child experiences any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should schedule a consultation promptly at Manhattan Vision Associates.

The Quality of Tears Matters

Understanding the composition of tears is crucial in addressing dry eye symptoms. Tears contain water, oils, mucus, and antibodies, creating a delicate balance for optimal eye health. It is essential to maintain this balance to alleviate dry eye discomfort.

Comprehensive Dry Eye Solutions at Manhattan Vision Associates

  • Preservative-Free Artificial Tears: Preservative-free artificial tears provide immediate relief for dry eyes without the risk of irritation. We recommend these tears as a simple yet effective solution for everyday comfort as they restore moisture naturally.
  • Punctal Plugs: Punctal plugs, or punctal occlusion, are small devices inserted into the tear ducts to prevent drainage, preserving natural tears on the ocular surface. 
  • Collagen: Collagen, known for its role in skin health, is vital in eye health. Collagen-based treatments promote tear film stability, enhancing overall eye comfort.
  • Medicated Drops: Medicated drops tailored to specific conditions may be prescribed for more severe cases of dry eyes. These drops work to address underlying issues contributing to dry eye symptoms.

Advanced Procedures for Lasting Relief

  • Warm-to-Hot Compresses: Dr. Selenow recommends warm-to-hot compresses as a simple yet effective method to alleviate dry eye symptoms. These compresses help open oil glands and promote the flow of natural oils, contributing to a healthier tear film.
  • Ilux Procedure: The Ilux procedure, available at Manhattan Vision Associates, is a cutting-edge treatment targeting blocked meibomian glands. Dr. Selenow explains how this innovative procedure provides precise and lasting relief for patients suffering from dry eyes.

Your Journey to Refreshed Eyes Begins with Dr. Selenow

Ready to bid farewell to dry eyes? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Selenow at Manhattan Vision Associates today. Experience personalized care and innovative solutions for optimal eye health.

Request A Dry Eye Appointment
Think You Have Dry Eye? Call 212-688-4277