We use the most up-to-date technology to ensure the best eye care possible. Here are some of the different types of tests and equipment you may experience on a visit to our Practice.

B-Scan Plus Scan Ultra sound
The B-scan helps the doctor see the space behind the eye that can’t be seen otherwise. Cataracts and some other conditions make it difficult to see the back of the eye. The B-scan also aids in the diagnosis of tumors, retinal detachment, and other conditions.

4Sight - UBM Probe
The B-scan helps the doctor see the space behind the eye that can’t be seen otherwise. Cataracts and some other conditions make it difficult to see the back of the eye. The B-scan also aids in the diagnosis of tumors, retinal detachment, and other conditions.

OCT technology generates high-resolution, cross-sectional and three-dimensional (3D) images of the retina, optic disc and anterior segment, to give you valuable information that aids in the diagnosis and management of a range of ocular diseases.

The optomap® Retinal Exam produces an image that is as unique as you fingerprint and provides us with a wide view to look at the health of your retina. The scan will show us a healthy eye or detect disease.

Nidek OPD Scan III
Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you. Advanced vision-assessment system that combines topography, wavefront, autorefraction, keratometry, and pupillometry — allowing accurate and reliable analysis of corneal aberration.

Humphrey Matrix FDT Visual Field
An ideal Glaucoma screening device that provides a clinically verified, fast and affordable means of detecting early visual field loss.

Measures the communication between the visual system and the brain utilizing electrophysiological technology.

Visual Evoked Potential (VEP): VEP measures early detection of eye disease by identifying cell health before permanent damage occurs.

SP-1P Specular Microscope
Used for 3D depth perception, a large depth of field, and clarity for eye surgeries

CT-80 Non-Contact Computerized Tonometer
Non-contact tonometer whose totally automated operation results in error-free ocular pressure measurements